Sometimes being gluten free isn't easy. We all have questions. This is a place to ask and answer and help each other through this gluten free battle.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bad restaurants to Joy-- my mind works in crazy ways sometimes...

I recently had a terrible Gluten Free restaurant experience. It resulted in me being sick for over 3 weeks. I am still dealing with the repercussions of the auto-immune reaction. So, why do restaurants claim their food is "Gluten Free" or "Celiac Friendly" when they don't take the time to do it right? I have no idea, but I do know that it needs to stop. Immediately. Restaurants, some knowingly (more on that later), are poisoning people with various food intolerances, allergies, and diseases. So, what happens when restaurants do this. Well, in my current experience, nothing. I've called and emailed the company and I was informed that they KNEW the dish I ordered was recently outsourced to contain gluten. And what is going to happen to this company? Will they suffer for a whole month with the awful things I've experienced? Nope. Will they feel bad? Probably not. Will they apologize? Not so far.
And in response what do I want to do? Well, to put it plain and simple, I want revenge. I'm angry. Probably more angry that I've ever been before. They have put my health and (I hate to admit it, but it's true) my happiness on the line. I couldn't work for over a week. I had to opt out of hanging out with friends or going places because I was so sick. And now, in the most joyful season of the year, I'm struggling to find my joy, my "bubble," as some people call it. And I hate that. I know that this angry person is not in any way the person God has created me to be. Nor am I acting in a way that reflects the amazing gift we were given in Jesus. Does a few weeks of sickness really matter in the grand scheme of things. No. But does my attitude and my influence on those around me matter. Yeah, they do. How can I be a witness to the Light if I am so consumed by the pain in my gut.
But then I'm stuck. Because at times the pain is so great that it's all I can think about. I can't concentrate enough to read the Bible or pray because the brain fog has me so ADD I can barely get through a sentence. I have no answers or solutions to my current predicament. But above all else, I will be thankful. I've learned that even though things seem really crappy, I'm blessed beyond measure (and I don't mean by material things).
So today, I've got unquenchable heartburn, but I'm thankful for the Tums that is somehow managing to take the edge off a bit. I'm thankful for the love my wonderful husband has for me. I'm thankful for my bff Emilee who understands me better than I understand myself on most days. I'm thankful for the warmth I feel today despite the sub zero wind chills outside my door. I'm thankful that Jesus loves me so much that he became man in order to save me (and you). I'm thankful that I'm a part of a wonderful community in Confluence Church. I'm thankful for God's love of justice. I'm thankful for our family. I'm thankful for technology so that we can stay in better touch with our family. And that is just the tip of the iceberg of things I have to be thankful for this day.
I definitely have so many reasons to be joyful today-- and everyday for that matter. How about you? What are you thankful for today?

PS. Thanks for sticking with me through this spastic therapeutic blog post. :)

1 comment:

  1. I've felt that kind of anger before -- the kind that completely consumes you and drains any joy from your happy moments. God can use you in so many ways. Praying that God continues to soften your heart and ease your pain so you can bask in his Word and glorify Him! Love you!
